T.U.F.F. Puppy Doujinshi and Comics

The series' main character is a dim-witted but determined dog named Dudley Puppy who works as a spy for an organization called T.U.F.F. (short for Turbo Undercover Fighting Force). His partner is a cat named Kitty Katswell. Other helpers are The Chief and Keswick. The series takes place in a fictional city called Petropolis, which is populated by anthropomorphic animals. As a member of T.U.F.F., Dudley Puppy helps Kitty Katswell protect Petropolis from various villains like Verminious Snaptrap, the Chameleon, and Birdbrain.

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Kitty Katswell

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Dudley puppy

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Katty Katswell

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