Awaki Musujime

A sophomore attending Kirigaoka Academy for Girls. She is a Level 4 esper with her teleport ability, Move Point (Zahyō Idō?, "Move Target"). Her teleportation powers are more powerful than Kuroko as she can teleport anything weighing up to 4,500kg without even touching it by a distance up to 800 meters. However, due to a past trauma where she miscalculated and teleported her leg inside a wall, accidentally tearing her leg skin and muscles out from the wall and almost dying, she has a fear of using her powers on herself and feels physically ill whenever she is forced to teleport herself. This fear prevents her from becoming a Level 5. Awaki made a cameo appearance in the episode "Unknown Entity (Counter Stop)" in the first anime season but officially appeared in the 8th novel and the episode "Wreckage (Remnant)" in the second anime season where she steals a remnant of the destroyed Tree Diagram and confronts Kuroko and Mikoto. However, she is beaten by Accelerator and the remnant is destroyed. Awaki is one of the guides to the windowless building where Aleister Crowley resides. She is also living with Komoe Tsukuyomi. Later, she is blackmailed to join team GROUP.

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