Yo Sato

The main character, a high school freshman who finds himself dragged into the battle for half-priced bento. He enjoys playing retro video games, particularly Sega games. Though at first shown not able to even hold his ground in a bento brawl, he soon shows remarkable strength, enough to be recognized as an equal by Yū, the Wizard, and win a one-on-one fight against Ayame. Following a particularly embarrassing incident, he ends up stuck with the title of Pervert (変態 Hentai?), which, ironically, fits his own personality; Ayame reveals several porn magazines in his room (given to him by a fellow classmate named Uchimoto), and hints that this habit of reading them started at a young age. Therefore, he often fantasizes about girls (usually Sen, whom he has a crush on), but despite his perverted behaviour, most of the female characters seem to have developed feelings for him (Ayame, the older Sawagi twin, Asabi, and even Sen), even if it is somewhat comedic (like Hana or Asebi). Nonetheless, he is able to focus on the task at hand and do what he is asked to do (again, usually by Sen).

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