Mystery Girl

The Mystery Girl bears a close resemblance to Rose Quartz, as pointed out by Steven. She has voluminous medium length hair that is dyed pink. She has defined lips with a grey ring pierced on her lower lip, and a slightly dark-peach complexion. She has a heavy build and is taller than Pearl, roughly around Garnet's height. She has green eyes and wears dark grey eye shadow and has thick eyelashes, and, aside from the aforementioned lower lip piercing, she has three grey earrings on each of her ears, with highest and middle piercing smaller than the lowest one.

In "Last One Out of Beach City", she wears a white (with a slight hue of pink) crop top with what looks like a simplified animal design, and with the sleeves rolled up. She also wears dark grey pants with the right leg having a rip near the knee, and black combat boots. She has a jacket tied around her waist; the jacket having various rectangular designs in varying shades of green similar to a camouflage design.

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