Misaka Imōto

Misaka 10032, also known as Misaka Imōto, is the most prominent clone that is most featured in the series. She is known for having a soft spot for cats, while she herself has a pet black kitten. She was the first sister clone that Tōma met. Due to the many interactions she had with him, 10032 wonder why she thought about him so much. Misaka 10032 was Accelerator's latest target in the Level 6 experiment, but Tōma managed to stop him. Confused, she asks why he did it since she was a clone, to which he replied that even though she was a clone, she was still an individual with a life. His words (along with Mikoto's) affect her so much that she and the Sisters decide to help Tōma during his fight against Accelerator.
After the Level 6 experiment was canceled, she was one of ten Sisters to stay in Academy City while the rest went overseas around the world for treatment. She later falls in love with Tōma and receives a heart necklace from him (so he will not mistake her for the original Mikoto), which she treasures.

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