Doc Saturday

Solomon "Doc" Saturday is the patriarch and the "Indiana Jones"-like character who has spent his whole life studying cryptids. Doc Saturday naturally had black hair but after a fight with a guardian known as Tsul 'Kalu, Doc was shocked by the claw that originally belonged to Kalu, giving him a streak of white hair. The shock of energy made Doc blinded in the right eye. (This was confirmed in The Return Of Tsul'Kalu) A man who takes science very seriously, Doc is one of the world's leading experts in the field of cryptozoology.

Doc started his career on Honey island when he was 12, learning from Dr. Basil Lancaster. He is a supergenius, having built many of the gadgets the family uses. A loving father, he often tries to teach his son Zak responsibility. Doc is trained in fourteen different forms of martial arts. He fights with the Battle Glove, which is able to channel power into his right fist. The four crystals on the knuckles also have individual powers: freezing, heating, shocking, and sonic vibrations. Though his age is not definite, creator Jay Stephens has stated that he "imagined Doc as 40 or so."

It was revealed in the episode "The Return of Tsul 'Kalu" that Doc got his scar and blind eye from Tsul'Kalu while protecting Zak.

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