Chef Hatchet

Chef Hatchet is the show's only other major crew member. He is a tall, loud, tough, and intimidating African Canadian, who was previously employed in prisons and the military (although some contestants doubt he actually ever fought in a war). Despite the name, he appears to be inept at cooking by serving horrible food to the contestants while they remain in the game, though as revealed later on, this is done intentionally to torture the contestants, as it has been shown that he is actually a good cook. He also assists Chris in organizing the challenges (and torturing the contestants in general), including donning various costumes as the main obstacle to the challenges and the contestants abilities. Some of these challenges include; dumping the final 4 contestants into the woods and forcing them to complete military style tasks. Chef Hatchet has shown to be sneaky and greedy; for example, the early part of Total Drama Action had Chef illegally assisting DJ in order to convince him to split the winnings with him should he win the competition. Another example was in Total Drama World Tour when he gave Blaineley tasty meals while the other contestants had to eat worms and insects. In these instances, Chris usually finds out and forces Chef Hatchet to undergo severe punishments.