Lei Fang

Lei Fang is a spunky, intelligent and cheerful 19-year-old student. Practicing martial arts has given her a strong dedication to self-improvement, both mentally and physically. Lei Fang hopes that by honing her own skills, she can eventually help others to do the same. At the same time, her young age and general inexperience with the world around her can sometimes cause her to not fully think things through.

Along with a strong motivation for self-improvement, Lei Fang is also somewhat arrogant. She became angry at Jann Lee for helping in a time of need, rather than thanking him for his assistance; as a result, she's entered every tournament to prove to him that she can handle herself. She also doesn't hesitate to mock an opponent after a victory in battle. Also, Lei Fang is known as a Tai Chi Quan genius to many others.

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